Submit One or More Primes

Use this page to enter one or more primes with a single set of prover(s). Once this page is filled out, press submit at the bottom to get a confirmation screen.  You may use the submit button as often as you'd like to verify you have filled in each field correct.

Currently primes must have 587745 or more digits to make the list (unless they have a correctly formatted archivable comment).  All entries must be proven primes--not just probable primes (see note).

Who should we contact with questions about this submission? (Enter the database ID or username of your prover-account)
Enter the proof-code under which you would like to submit these primes
Please list your primes in the box below using one line per prime. Archivable primesmust be followed by a correctly formatted comment.

There is a separate submission page for primes with very long mathematical descriptions.  It is rarely needed.

Technical note: This page is the first of two used for submission, the second is the confirmation page.  This page will verify that the numbers submitted can be parsed and pass certain basic size restrictions.  The numbers will be canonicalized.  It requires that you "own" the code you are submitting under and requires a correct username and password before allowing you to proceed.  It does not check to see if the primes are duplicates of those already in the database or check the comment or make sure it is of a size that will fit in the current list--these test (and more) will be performed later.

Warning note: If it is discovered that you have submitted one or more numbers that are not proven primes, you may lose the right to continue submitting and/or have your credit for your primes reduced by sharing it with those running our verification programs.  Please respect the integrity of this database and the students / researchers that rely on it.

Note: Primes with the same number of digits as the 5000th prime, but very-slightly smaller, may currently make it through this submission process, but will soon be removed after the ranking process has definitively established the relative sizes.

Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.