Weakley County Chancery Court


Box 1 of 58
File no.	Title of file				Dates

1.  		Clara Abbington v. W. L.Blake  		1903-1904
2.  		Jeff Abis v. S. G. Ray, et al.  		1874
3.  		John S. Acree v. Will Dunn  		1912
4.  		Issac Acres v. John F. Cavitt  		1861
5.  		G. M. Adams v. W. A. W. Price		1891
6.  		G. T. Adams v. James Reagor  		1892-1893
7.  		G. T. Adams v. James Reagor  		1892-1893
8.  		G. W. Adams v. Joe Coats and 
			Thomas Adams  			1892
9.  		James Adams v. Thomas H. Boswell	1860-1874
10.  		J. B. Adams v. Jack Ward
11.  		J. J. Adams v. Jack Norman		1896
12.  		J. M. Gilbert Adams v. 
			I. M. Hudson Adams  		1873
13.  		J. P. Adams v. J. F. Carmichael 	1899
14.  		J. P. Adams v. J. F. M. Michael		1898-1900
15.  		L. W. Adams, et al. v. 
			H. T. Adams, et al.  		1892
16.  		R. H. Adams v. M. N. Adams  		1912
17.  		Sallie Adams v. James Adams		1876-1879
18.  		Sallie M. Adams v. 
			Davidson and McAdams
19.  		Susan Adams v. John C. Gardner  	1869
20.  		Susan Adams v. T. D. Martin  		1868-1872
21.  		Thomas M. Adams v. Martha T. Adams  	1892-1893
22.  		Thomas M. Adams v. James Roger  	1892
23.  		Victoria Adams v. Henry Adams  		1894
24.  		Victoria Adams v. Henry Adams  		1900
25.  		W. C. Adams, et al. v. G. W. Ward  	1873
26.  		W. R. Adams and Anna Adams v. Nashville, 
			Chattanooga and St. Louis 
			Railway  			1902
27.  		B. B. Adkins v. L. E. Adkins  		1878
28.  		T. D. Adkins v. B. B. Adkins  		1905
29.  		Akers and House v. A. D. Jones and 
			Illinois Central Railroad 
			Company  			1903-1904
30.  		L. J. Alexander v. Evan Maynard		1869
31.  		R. B. Alexander and Susan H. Alexander 
			v. William Tillman, et al. 	1892-1893
32.  		Grover C. Algee v. Ruth Algee  		1907
33.  		Anderson Allen and Elizabeth Allen v. 
			Estate of Gary Gillim  		1869
34.  		B. J. Allen v. R. D. McElyea  		1877-1878
35.  		Barnett J. Allen v. J. B. M. Allen  	1867
36.  		G. W. Allen v. John Simmons	  	1870
37.  		J. B. M. Allen and J. G. Allen v. 
			Caleb S. Allen		  	1875 
38.  		J. B. M. Allen v. John A. Mathews  
39.  		J. G. Allen  				1882
40.  		J. G. Allen v. J. J. Bennett and 
			Hattie Bennett		  	1913
41.  		James G. Allen v. J. E. Boon and 
			David Winston  			1869-1870
42.  		Joseph H. Allen v. Gardner and Sons  	1878
43.  		Young W. Allen v. Mary J. Brooks  	1869-1870
44.  		W. W. Allman v. D. F. Terrell  		1912 
45.  		A. G. Allmond and G. W. Wilson 
			v. Susan E. Parrott		1873-1878
46.  		Moses Amberg v. R. M. Davis		1898

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