Series 3
Sub-series 1
Box 263

File no. Title of file Date

1 Shelby County - Millington N.A.S. Navy 1985
2 Shelby County- St. Jude 1985
3 Shelby County- Drexel Chemical Company 1986
4 Shelby County- Marx & Bensdorf, Inc. Pension Benefit 1986
5 Shelby County - Memphis Furniture Company 1986
6 Shelby County - Loraine Hotel Civil Rights Museum 1986
7 Shelby County - McDonald Bro., Inc. Ceiling Fans 1986
8 Shelby County - Memphis Metro Interfaith Association 1986
9 Shelby County - Memphis Chamber of Commerce 1985
10 Shelby County - Memphis Home Builders 1986
11 Shelby County - Memphis Environmental Impact 1986
12 Shelby County - River Front Revetment 1986
13 Shelby County - Memphis NASA 1986
14 Shelby County - Robert Woods Foundation 1986
15 Shelby County - Memphis Sexual Abuse Council 1986
16 Shelby County - Memphis Tennessee Valley Center 1986
17 Shelby County - Tennessee Conservation League 1986
18 Shelby County - Millington Pulvair Corp. 1985
19 Shelby County - Millington N.A.S. 1986
20 Shelby County - National Center for Appropriate Tech 1986
21 Shelby County - Alzheimers Day Care 1986
22 Shelby County - St. Joseph Hospital 1986
23 Shelby County - Memphis VA Hospital 1986
24 Shelby County - Hunter Fans 1986
25 Shelby County - Memphis State University 1986
26 Shelby County - Federal Express 1986
27 Shelby County - Memphis Peabody Place 1986
28 Shelby County - Memphis Highland Meadows Housing 1986