Series 3
Sub-series 2
Box 271

File no. Title of file Date

1 Calling Industries, Inc. 1981
2 Contract Awards 1982
3 Corps New Permit Regulations 1982
4 CDBG 1981 Letters 1981
5 Census 1981
6 Civil Rights Schools Prayer 1981
7 Clean Air Act OSHA 1981
8 Closing the Department of Education 1981
9 Comprehensive Employment & Training Act 1981
10 Contract Awards 1981
11 Contract Awards & Corps 1981
12 Cost of Living Adjustment for Civil Service 1981
13 C.S.A. 1981
14 Congress 1982
15 Countywide Utility District 1983
16 Canada Geese Information 1984
17 Civil Rights Cop Killer Bullets 1984
18 Commerce Product Liability 1984
19 Community Service Block Grant 1984
20 Community Service Grants FY 85 1984
21 Community Service Block Grants 1984
22 Corps of Engineers Announcements 1984
23 Conrail 1985
24 CSBG Letters 1985
25 Cumberland University 1985
26 CSBG Awards 1986
27 Cody, Michael 1986
28 Community Service Block Grants 1986
29 Corporation Average Fuel Economy 1986
30 Crop Acreage Flexibility 1986
31 Conservation (File 1) 1988
32 Conservation (File 2) 1988
33 Conservation (File 3) 1988
34 Conservation (File 4) 1988