Series 3
Sub-series 2
Box 292

File no. Title of file Date

1 User Fees 1973
2 United Nations 1975
3 U.T. Martin 1975
4 U.T. Knoxville 1975
5 Union University 1980
6 U.T. Knoxville 1980
7 University of Tennessee Medical Unit 1980
8 Updates 1981
9 Union University Arts Commission 1984
10 Unspecified Papers 1983
11 Unspecified Papers 1983
12 Unspecified 1984
13 U.S. Information Agency Expo ‘86 1985
14 University of Tennessee NASA 1985
15 University of Tennessee 1987
16 U.T. Facilitator Project 1987
17 U.T. Campaign for Agriculture 1987
18 Upper Duck River 1987
19 VA Residual Increase for Loan Guarantee 1987
20 Vatican Ambassador 1984
21 Vocational Education 1985