Series 4
Sub-series 2
Box 310

File no. Title of file Date

1 Amend Federal Crop Insurance Act 1977
2 Agricultural Water Quality Act 1977
3 Amend the Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act 1977
4 The Commodity Leverage Contract :Economic Analysis 1978
5 Silver Futures Market A Review 1979-1980
6 Review of Farmers Home Administration Energy 1979
7 Funding Authorization for FmHA Loan Programs 1979
8 Special Areas Soil Conservation Act 1980
9 CFTC Regulatory Authority Review 1980
10 The Atlantic Monthly 1980
11 Recent Developments in the Silver Futures Markets 1980
12 Silver Crisis (File 1) 1980
13 Silver Crisis (File 2) 1980
14 The Commodity Exchange Act 1980
15 Statement of Commodity Exchange Inc. New York 1980
16 Report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission 1980