SERIES 11 - BOX 211

Box#/File #              Title of file

Box 211 / File 1         Tax and Accounting-First Nat'l Bank of San Antonio (1959) 
Box 211 / File 2         Tax and Accounting-First Nat'l Bank of San Antonio (1959) 
Box 211 / File 3         Tax and Accounting-Gross Nat'l Bank-San Antonio (1959) 
Box 211 / File 4         Tax and Accounting-Bills Paid-Jan., Feb., Mar. (1959) 
Box 211 / File 5         Tax and Accounting-Bills Paid-Apr., May, Jun. (1959) 
Box 211 / File 6         Tax and Accounting-Bills Paid-Jul., Aug., Sept. (1959) 
Box 211 / File 7         Tax and Accounting-Bills Paid-Oct., Nov., Dec. (1959)
Box 211 / File 8         Tax and Accounting-Check Stubs-Bank (1959) 
Box 211 / File 9         Tax and Accounting-Check Stubs-Bank (1959)

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