SERIES 19 - BOX 285

Box#/File #              Title of file

Box 285 / File 1         Nevin, David and Luci
Box 285 / File 2         Nevin, Davis and Luci
Box 285 / File 3         Nevin, David and Luci
Box 285 / File 4         Newton Brothers
Box 285 / File 5         Newton, J.B.
Box 285 / File 6         Niles, John
Box 285 / File 7         Noble, Howard
Box 285 / File 8         Northway, Frank
Box 285 / File 9         Nutter, Charles 
Box 285 / File 10        O'Connell, Mrs. Bob
Box 285 / File 11        O'Donnell, Mrs W.M.
Box 285 / File 12        O'Hara, George
Box 285 / File 13        O'Keefe, Dan
Box 285 / File 14        Oliver, Rees
Box 285 / File 15        O'Neil, Richard (Terry)

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