SERIES 29 - BOX 360

Box#/File #              Title of file

Box 360 / File 1         King Ranch--Australia
Box 360 / File 2         King Ranch--Book Reviews
Box 360 / File 3         King Ranch--Bluestem
Box 360 / File 4         King Ranch Sale Catalog--Notes on Sales
Box 360 / File 5         King Ranch--Book Speech
Box 360 / File 6         King Ranch--Facts & Figures
Box 360 / File 7         King Ranch--Sale, 1953
Box 360 / File 8         King Ranch--Miscellaneous Correspondence
Box 360 / File 9         King Ranch Story--AP Centennial
Box 360 / File 10        King Ranch Vault Files--Abstract Notes--De La Garza Santa
Box 360 / File 11        King Ranch Vault Files--Abstract Notes--Laureles Grant
Box 360 / File 12        King Ranch Vault Files--Abstract Notes--Mendiola Santa      
                         Gertrudis Grant
Box 360 / File 13        King Ranch Vault Files--Abstract Notes--Miguel Gutierriez Santa
                         Gertrudis Grant
Box 360 / File 14        King Ranch Vault--Account Books
Box 360 / File 15        King Ranch Vault Files--Correspondence
Box 360 / File 16        King Ranch Vault Files--Estate Tax Cases
Box 360 / File 17        King Ranch Vault Files--Estate Tax Cases--Affidavits
Box 360 / File 18        King Ranch Vault--Files Defendants Bnef.
Box 360 / File 19        King Ranch Vault--Kleberg Family History
Box 360 / File 20        King Ranch Vault--Notes on Scrapbook
Box 360 / File 21        King Ranch Vault--Files--Personal Files--Family Correspondence

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