Papers - Series 1, Sub-series 2
Alphabetical Files

BOX 77

File no.       Title of File                           		Dates

1              Filing Manual                           		1980
2              Abrams to Aebersold                     		1980
3              Akers to Anheuser-Busch Companies       		1980
4              Argo to Ayres                           		1980
5              Bailey to Beard                         		1980
6              Beasley to Benz                         		1980
7              Berean Baptist Church to Borod          		1980
8              Boswen to Brogden                       		1980
9              Brooks to Brown                         		1980
10             Bruce to Butts                     		1980
11             CBI Industry, Inc. To Casey Electric, Inc.       1980
12             Castellaw to Chandler                   		1980
13             Chanin to Clark                         		1980
14             Clayton to Columbia Dam                 		1980
15             Conklin to Credit Bureau of Paris, Inc.      	1980
16             Crews to Curris                         		1980
17             Dagett to Davidson                      		1980
18             Davis to Donnell                        		1980
19             Dresden-Sewer System Expansion          
                  (Loan Application)                        	1980
20             Doster to Dykes                         		1980
21             Dresden-Industrial Park Expansion            	1980

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