Papers - Series 3, Sub-series 1

BOX 152

File no.       Title of File                      	Dates

1              Brad Martin                              1981-1982
2              Bill McAfee                             1981-1982
3              James McKinney                     	1981-1982
4              Rand McNally                       	1981-1982
5              Ted Ray Miller                     	1981-1982
6              Ruth Montegomery                         1981-1982
7              U. A. Moore                              1981-1982
8              I. H. Murphy                             1981-1982
9              Mike Murphy                              1981-1982
10             Ed Murray                          	1981-1982
11             Jimmy Naifeh                             1981-1982
12             Bill Owen                          	1981-1982
13             Bob Parey                          	1981-1982
14             Pete Phillips                            1981-1982
15             Roscoe Pickering                         1981-1982
16             Charles Pruitt                           1981-1982
17             Shelby Rhinehart                         1981-1982
18             Bill Richardson                          1981-1982
19             Mike Robertson                     	1981-1982
20             Charles Robinson                         1981-1982
21             Clarence Robinson                        1981-1982
22             Palma Robinson                     	1981-1982
23             Paul Scruggs                             1981-1982
24             Charles Severence                        1981-1982
25             David Shirley                            1981-1982
26             J. B. Shockley                     	1981-1982
27             Martin Sir                               1981-1982
28             Neal Small                               1981-1982
29             Loy L. Smith                             1981-1982
30             John Spence                              1981-1982
31             Benny Stafford                     	1981-1982
32             Rob Stallings                            1981-1982
33             Paul Starnes                             1981-1982

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