We at the Department of Public Safety are foremost concerned about your personal safety while at the University of Tennessee at Martin, but you are ultimately responsible for your own safety. We ask that you develop and maintain a "security mindset” and take proactive steps to reduce your potential of being a crime victim.  Listed below are tips to help you formulate an action plan and working together we can continue to enjoy a safe and secure campus!

Contacting the Police


Campus Police-881-7777

Martin City Police-587-5355

Weakley County Sheriff's Office-364-5454

Walking Around Campus
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus.
  • Carry your cell-phone and have it readily available.
  • Plan the safest route to where you are going-choose well lighted busy pathways.
  • Avoid shortcuts between buildings or off busy pathways.
  • If possible, travel in groups.
  • Know where the emergency call boxes are located and how to use them.
  • Stay alert to your surroundings and recognize potential threats as soon as possible.
  • Tell a friend where you are going and how long it should take you to get there-call them when you arrive-reverse the process when you return.
  • If a motorist stops and asks directions, keep your distance from the car.
  • Trust your instincts-if something makes you feel nervous-remove yourself from the area immediately.
On Campus Residential Facilities
  • Always lock your door! Always lock your door! Always lock your door!
  • Do not open your door unless you know who is wanting in-utilize your peep-hole.
  • Do not prop any exterior or end-hallway doors open.
  • Report any stolen/lost residential facility keys to the Housing staff immediately.
  • Report any damage or malfunctioning locks.
  • Secure your valuables in your lock drawer and don't leave them out in the open.
  • Record the serial number and description of your personal equipment and secure the inventory in case your property is stolen.
  • Mark your equipment/valuables with a personal id symbol (not your date of birth or social security number).
  • Report any suspicious activity/persons immediately-you know best who or what is out of place.
  • Remind your neighbors to lock it up and work with the Housing Staff in proactive efforts toward safety and security.
Motor Vehicle Safety


If possible, park in well lighted areas and avoid parking next to vans or large trucks.

Keep all valuables out of sight-take them with you or put them in your trunk.

When you approach your car, walk down the center aisle and scan around and in your vehicle as you approach.

Have the entrance key readily available as you approach-unlock your door only when you are immediately prepared to enter and then lock your door once you get in.

If your vehicle breaks down-remain inside and call for help-if someone offers to help that you do not know, remain inside your vehicle and ask them to call for help.

If you think you are being followed while driving-DO NOT DRIVE HOME! Make four left or right turns and if you are still being followed-drive to a police station, fire station, or somewhere there are a lot of people present.

Never pick up hitchhikers.

If someone appears broken down or needs help-make the call for them-use caution helping them yourself.

If a person confronts you and wants your vehicle or valuables-GIVE UP THE PROPERTY -the decision to go mobile with them is yours and yours alone but your chances of survival are greatly diminished in these situations.

If You Are Being or About to Be Attacked

The decision to resist is yours and yours alone!  If you decide to resist-commit to it 100% and only long enough to provide the opportunity to escape.

If you decide to run-run with a purpose-toward help and pace yourself to conserve enough energy to resist if you are caught, if you so choose.

If a weapon is involved-give up the property and do as you are told-compliance may give you an opportunity to resist and/or escape later if you so choose.

Take a self defense class and make resistance a viable option if you so choose.

Pay attention to the description of the suspect and notify the police as soon as possible.

After the event, do not question yourself or feel guilty-if you survived-you did the right thing.

Standard Description of a Person and/or Vehicle

For vehicle description use the CYMBAL method:

Color (top to bottom)

Year (in numbers)




License Plate (state and numbers/letter and color)

Description of a person:

Start (Physical Description)

Name (did he mention one)


Race (color/tint)

Age (in numbers)

Height (in numbers)

Weight (in numbers)

Face (eyes, facial hair, glasses)


Physical (Marks, Scars, Tattoos, Limps, Speech, etc)

Finish (Clothing)


Hat (color, markings)





Cyber Security

Never give your password out.

Change your password frequently.

Protect access to your e-mail.

Do not put personal information or photos on your web page and do not give indicators as to where you live on social networking sites.

Never leave your computer/laptop unattended where unauthorized users can gain access.

Engrave a personal ID symbol (not SSN or date of birth) on your computer and separately record the model and serial number.

Shop online only with companies you know and use a secure browser that will encrypt your purchase information.

Update your virus software regularly.

Do not down load files or click on hyperlinks from people you don't know.

Make sure your personal information is deleted from your computer before selling/disposing of it.

Obscene or Annoying Phone Calls

Hang up immediately and document the number if you have caller-ID.

If the calls continue, keep a log of the date/time received and anything that was said.

If the calls continue, notify the police.

Automatic Teller Machines (ATM's)

Try to utilize ATM's during daylight hours.

Be aware of people loitering in the area or sitting in their cars.

Have your card and transaction information readily available-limit your time at the ATM to as short as possible.

Do not give your Personal Identification Number (PIN) to anyone, especially over the phone. No reputable company will ask for it.

Screen the machine when entering numbers so others cannot see.

Insure you retrieve and shred your receipts

Identity Theft

Destroy (not just throw away) any records or statements with any identifying information or numbers on them.

Secure your mail and destroy any credit card/pre-approved loan applications.

Protect your social security number-don't carry your card on you, have it removed from your driver's license, don't put it on your checks, secure any records that may contain it.

Safeguard your computer-use complicated passwords and frequently update antivirus/antispy software.

Know who you are dealing with-only provide personal information to companies you contacted or know for sure are reputable.

Use the national Do Not Call Registry (1-888-382-1222 or https://www.donotcall.gov) to take yourself off marketers customer lists.

Use the three major credit card bureaus opt out service (1-888-5-OPT OUT or https://www.optoutprescreen.com) to reduce credit card solicitations.

Monitor your credit report from the three main credit card bureaus: Equifax (1-800-685-1111), Experian (1-883-397-3742), and TransUnion (1-800-680-4213) or at https://www.annualcreditreport.com.  Get a free copy once a year and check for unauthorized transactions.

Review your bank statements and credit card statements and look for unauthorized usage and if you don't receive your statements at the normal time check with the institution and see if it was mailed.

Don't use personal information (date of birth, SSN, graduation date, phone number etc) as a password that will make it easy for someone to compromise it.

If Your Identity is Stolen

Contact the three major credit bureaus at the numbers listed above.

Contact the involved company directly and ask for the fraud department.

Contact the Social Security Fraud Hotline (1-800-269-0271) if your SSN has been compromised.

File a report with the police department where the identity theft took place and keep a copy of the report.

Keep records of everything involved in your efforts to clear the situation up, including copies of any written correspondence or records of any telephone calls.

Dating Safety

Check on the character of a first or blind date with friends or go with friends on the first date.

Carry money for public transportation or pre-arrange with a friend to pick you up in case you get stranded or want to leave-carry your cell phone.

Protect your drink at all times.

If you go with friends-leave with them-take care of each other.

Be assertive-insure there are no mixed messages about what you want or don't want to occur-No means NO!

If you at anytime feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation. YOU CONTROL THE SITUATION!

Sexual Assault or Rape Victim

Seek help as soon as it is safe to do so. Don't blame yourself or feel guilty-if you survived you did the right thing!

Do not shower, change clothes, use any hygiene products, or clean the scene-contact the police immediately and preserve this vital evidence.

If you do not want to immediately contact the police-seek counseling or support services from the Housing Staff, Student Health, Hospital, Rape Crisis Line, or a trusted friend.

If you think some type of Date Rape Drug might have been involved-contact the police immediately. Try not to urinate and secure the glass/container you drank from.

If someone comes to you as a victim for help-do not be judgmental or express opinions about what they did/did not do or what you would/would not have done. Be supportive and seek assistance for them.

Alcohol/Party Safety

Not drinking is a viable option, especially if you are underage.

Drink in moderation-remain in control of yourself.

Control your drink and know where it came from.

If you drink-DON'T DRIVE-use a designated driver.

Go with friends and leave with those friends-look out for each other.

Know your environment-gain information about the location beforehand if possible-if things begin to get out of control-leave immediately.

Binge Drinking

The consumption of 5 or more drinks in a row by men-or 4 or more drinks in a row by women-at least once in the past 2 weeks. Heavy binge drinking includes three or more such episodes in 2 weeks.

Why do people binge drink?

Peer Pressure


To reduce stress or to feel good

Wanting to feel older

Risks of Binge Drinking

Alcohol Poisoning-symptoms:  affects breathing and the "gag” reflex, extreme confusion, inability to be awakened, vomiting, seizures, low body temperature, blush or pale skin, impaired judgment.

Health related risks-contracting an STD, physical injury, developing dependency

Personal related risks-emotional and mental anguish, guilt, embarrassment, loss of friendships or relationships, poor grades (may affect scholarships), disciplinary action from the university up to and including dismissal, negative impact on future education or employment opportunities.

Commission of criminal offenses-Underage drinking, driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, fighting, sexual assault, vandalism, disorderly conduct, theft.

Sobering up-drinking coffee, exercise, home remedies do not work-The only safe method is time-the body processes alcohol at a rate of ½ oz per hour.  That's two hours to get rid of 1 beer or 1 normal drink.

Where to seek help for alcohol related problems-The campus counseling center, student health, student affairs, public safety, the housing staff, or a trusted friend can assist/refer you to getting help if needed.



Campus Response to Armed Intruders

View our Emergency Preparedness webpage and click on "Armed Intruders".

Where to Go For Help If You Are a Victim of Sexual Harassment

Complaint procedures are designed to ensure protection of the civil rights of all parties. For help, contact these areas:

Office of Diversity Resources
223 Administration Building
(731) 881-7704

Personnel Office
227 Administration Building
(731) 881-7845

Dean of Students
223 Administration Building
(731) 881-7705

To make a formal complaint, students should report the incidence of sexual harassment to the Department of Public Safety at 881-7777 and to the Office of Student Affairs at 881-7700.

To make a formal complaint, employees should report the incidence of sexual harassment to the Office of Personnel Services at 881-7845 and to the Office of Diversity Resources at 881-7704.

Definitions of Sexual Harassment

For Employees, harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines define sexual harassment as follows:

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment;
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual;
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

For Students, harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's status in a course, program, or activity;
  2. Submission to such conduct is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the individual, including, but not limited to, grades or academic progress; or
  3. When the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.