If reasonable accommodations involve cooperation from your professors, these accommodations will be communicated to your professor through accommodation letters. Accommodation letters are requested through the AIM Portal each semester.

Unless specifically requested by the student, the student's disability is not stated in the letter, just a list of accommodations.

Accommodation letters will be sent directly to faculty/staff through the AIM platform.

Please note the following:

Please email our office at disabilityservices@utm.edu and aluker@utm.edu or reach out to Disability Coordinator at 731.881.7605 to discuss your specific needs.

Accommodations Request Guide

Log into AIM and send course access letters to your instructors every semester. Upon request, letters will be sent to your instructors via email, and you will receive a copy to your email.

If you have printed materials in PDF or Word format (Alternative Format):

If you have sign language interpreting or transcribing:

If you have testing accommodations:

Please download this document for your reference – Accommodation Request Guide

Repeat these steps each semester, as needed. This has to be done each semester.

Contact your ARC coordinator if you: