Name(s) of Buildings:
Agriculture-Biology-Library Building (ABL); Brehm Hall

Construction Dates: 1950-1951; 1975-1976; 1999-2001
Cost: $631,000; unknown; $1,900,000
Brief History:
The need for more office space and classrooms led to the construction in 1950 of a new building that would house the agriculture, biology and library departments. The building was completed the following year and was simply named the Agriculture-Biology-Library (ABL) Building. The Library outgrew its designated area within ten years relocated to a separate facility, the Paul Meek Library, in 1967. The Agriculture and Biology Departments continue to operate in the building. On October 23,1970, the structure was renamed Brehm Hall in honor of Dr. C. E. Brehm, President of the University of Tennessee (1946-1959).
In 1975 Brehm Hall was remodeled and upgraded. A complete internal reconstruction began in 1999. The project was completed in Fall 2001.