West Tennessee Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal

A Call for Papers for the West Tennessee SoTL Journal

Submissions accepted for Spring publication in the following areas:

We seek to collaborate in all areas which surround educational settings. We accept student, teacher, and professional staff papers.

Manuscript Submission Process

Articles should be submitted using this submission form. Please include Title page, abstract, and all pages numbered without a running head. All references, tables, charts, and figures should appear at the end of the manuscript.

Cover Page


A concise 100-word, double-spaced abstract should be included at the beginning of the manuscript.

Submissions are due for the Fall (October) edition no later than May 31 and for the Spring (March) edition, no later than December 31.

View the first edition of the West Tennessee SoTL Journal
West Tennessee Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal
Terry Silver, Editor
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238