Summer 2024 Undergraduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd DateCourse TimeMeet Days
30558Research MethodsCJ3033Michael GurleyJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.TR
30464Books & Non-Print MaterialLIBS4523Melissa BurneyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 202410:00 - 11:50 A.M.M
30004Principles of MathMATH1913Brian WagnerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024 -  
30562Principles of MathMATH1923Brian WagnerJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024 -  
30559Public SpeakingMMSC2303Paul WalkerJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
30465Cardio FitnessPACT1462Heather ColemanJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 202405:30 - 07:00 P.M.TR
30197Politics & Govt of TennPOSC3123Gregory MonroeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 202406:00 - 08:00 P.M.M
30555Introduction to PsychologyPSYC1013Natasha VarnickJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 202409:00 - 11:00 A.M.F
30560Children with ExceptionalitiesSPED3003Tina GardnerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 202404:00 - 04:50 P.M.M
30150Social Work Practice IISWRK4003Stephanie AllenJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 202403:00 - 07:45 P.M.MW
30502Social Work Field InstructionSWRK49012Stephanie AllenJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024 -  
30706Field Instruction IIISWRK4253Stephanie AllenJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024 -  
30707Field Instruction IVSWRK4253Stephanie AllenJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024 -  
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd DateCourse TimeMeet Days
41486Auditing & Assurance ServicesACCT4013Laura HatchAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202401:00 - 02:15 P.M.TR
41615Acct Info Decision Making IACCT2013Wanda PerrigoAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.W
41674Intermediate Accounting IACCT3013Ben LeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202408:00 - 09:15 A.M.TR
42002Individual TaxationACCT3313Paula MooreAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 09:50 A.M.MWF
42566Acct Info Decision Making IACCT2013Luke CagleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
40858Intro Agricultural BusinessAGEC1103Walter BattleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
42337Livestock EconomicsAGEC3803Daniel MorrisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202401:00 - 02:15 P.M.TR
42338Agricultural MarketingAGEC3643Daniel MorrisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202411:00 - 12:15 P.M.TR
40859Fund Cooperative ExtensionAGRI4113Walter BattleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
42572History American AgricultureAGRI2403Emily KeetonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:45 P.M.T
42573Dynamics & Develop LeadershipAGRI4503Emily KeetonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
42574Career Planning in AgricultureAGRI3903Emily KeetonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
42854Farm Animal HealthANSC3203Diana WatsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202411:00 - 11:50 A.M.MWF
41149Understanding Visual ArtART1103Nicholas D'AcquistoAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
41682Found Biol: Cell & MolecularBIOL1404Amanda VanhooseAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202408:00 - 09:15 A.M.MW
41723Biology LabBIOL140L Dalana HessingAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:55 P.M.M
41297Business Law IBLAW3013Matthew WestAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
41722Juvenile JusticeCJ3703Michael GurleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.MW
42133Introduction to CorrectionsCJ2133Krystin KennedyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
42587Research MethodsCJ3033Michael GurleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.TR
42588Criminal InvestigationCJ3103Michael GurleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202411:00 - 12:15 P.M.TR
42638Criminal LawCJ4003Mark DavidsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
42983Internship In Crim JusticeCJ4803Michael GurleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024 -  
40116Principles of MacroeconomicsECON2013Samuel FaughtAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
40092CompositionENGL1113April Elam-DierksAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202410:30 - 11:45 A.M.MW
42500American Literary TraditionsENGL2603April Elam-DierksAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.TR
42582Practical English GrammarENGL4253Heidi HuseAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:30 - 10:45 A.M.TR
42666Development of English DramaENGL3753Daniel PiggAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202410:00 - 10:50 A.M.MWF
42746Inter Managerial FinFIN3023Brittany ColeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202408:00 - 08:50 A.M.MWF
42747Fin Markets & InstitutionsFIN3413Brittany ColeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202402:30 - 03:45 P.M.MW
42635Elem FrenchFREN1223Lucia FloridoAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202410:00 - 10:50 A.M.MWF
40866Regional: Asia Africa Latin AmGEOG1523Thomas DePriestAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202411:00 - 12:15 P.M.TR
41184Geoscience in Everyday LifeGEOS1104Joshua RatliffAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:55 P.M.M
41187Geoscience Everyday Life LabGEOS110L Joshua RatliffAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:55 P.M.W
40093Hist Of U SHIST2013Timothy SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.MW
42298Hist Latin AmericaHIST4413Timothy SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202410:30 - 11:45 A.M.MW
42831Hist Of U SHIST2013Thomas MeadorAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
42859Principles & Concept Pers HlthHLTH1113Mellanie SurrattAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
41614Senior SeminarIDST4903April Elam-DierksAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 12:55 P.M.W
42558Mgt Inform SystemINFS3103Denise WilliamsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:30 - 10:45 A.M.TR
41697Children's LiteratureLIBS4513Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.W
40094Essentials of Algebra IMATH1004Denise BrownAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
40096Mathematics LabMATH100L Denise BrownAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 05:45 P.M.T
41814Principles of MathMATH1913Bobby IsbellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:30 - 05:45 P.M.T
42015Elementary Statistics & ProbabMATH2103Shaharina ShohaAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
40874Management and BehaviorMGT3003Sandra SharpAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.R
40876Operations ManagementMGT3103Sandra SharpAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
40883Service Operations ManagementMGT4123Sandra SharpAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
42559Management and BehaviorMGT3003Sean WalkerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202408:00 - 08:50 A.M.MWF
42776Business PolicyMGT4903Brandon KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:30 - 10:45 A.M.TR
42590Professional SellingMKTG3023Julie AlexanderAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202408:00 - 09:15 A.M.TR
41457Public SpeakingMMSC2303Paul WalkerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
42656Public SpeakingMMSC2303Melissa GoodmanAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
40881Understanding MusicMUS1123Bianca BalderamaAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 04:15 P.M.M
40795Wildlife Conserv & Envir IssNRM1013Ricky MatheniaAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
40819Intro NutritionNUTR1003Amy ElizerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
40097Aerobic Walk/JoggingPACT1222Mellanie SurrattAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:15 - 05:45 P.M.W
40098Martial Arts IIPACT1202Thomas CauleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:30 - 12:00 P.M.S
40880Amer Govt & PoliticsPOSC2103Gregory MonroeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
41294Intro Public PolicyPOSC3623Nicholas KistenmacherAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
41669Const Law Governmental StructPOSC4303Shana JohnsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
42636Amer Constitut LawPOSC4323Joe VandykeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
40860Drugs and BehaviorPSYC3603Lisa KentAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
40862Introduction to PsychologyPSYC1013Scott MaxwellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:00 - 06:45 P.M.T
41774Senior SeminarPSYC4803Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202402:30 - 03:45 P.M.MW
42365Developmental PsychPSYC3133Natasha VarnickAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202401:00 - 02:15 P.M.TR
42366Introduction to the MajorPSYC2021Natasha VarnickAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 202401:00 - 02:40 P.M.M
42367Careers in PsychologyPSYC3021Natasha VarnickOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 202401:00 - 02:40 P.M.M
42474Theor Of PersonalityPSYC4503Scott HilgadiackAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
40085Lit III:Lit Instr Assess&InterREAD4483Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 10:15 A.M.TR
41680Elementary SpanishSPAN1113John WoodAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202404:30 - 05:45 P.M.TR
40989Children with ExceptionalitiesSPED3003Jennifer DickersonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202402:00 - 04:45 P.M.M
40894Social Work Prog OrientationSWRK2902Stephanie AllenAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202402:30 - 04:15 P.M.T
40896Hum Diversity & Oppressed PopuSWRK2203Shelby EastAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
40903Social Welfare Policies & ServSWRK3003Shelby EastAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
40905Hum Behav & Soc Env ISWRK3203Shelby EastAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.M
40912SWRK Research & EvaluationSWRK4103Matthew JonesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202406:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
40919Social Work Practice IIISWRK4403Shelby EastAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.W
40929Social Work Senior SeminarSWRK4603Stephanie AllenAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.R
40932SWRK Field Instruction PrepSWRK4703Stephanie AllenAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202403:00 - 05:45 P.M.R
40088Residency ITCED4001Rachael MartinOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024 -  
40089App Social Stud and Lang ArtsTCED3503Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202412:00 - 02:45 P.M.M
41698App Science in Elem EducationTCED3403Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202409:00 - 11:45 A.M.W
41699Elem Methods I: Teaching MathTCED3423Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202401:00 - 03:45 P.M.W
42838Intro To TeachingTCED2113Kimberley BriganceAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 202403:30 - 05:55 P.M.T
42843Human Anatomy & Physiology IZOOL2514Amanda VanhooseAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 202401:15 - 02:30 P.M.TR
Spring 2025 Undergraduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd DateCourse TimeMeet Days
20675Acct Info Decision Making IIACCT2023Luke CagleJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
21709Accounting Computer ApplicACCT3053Laura HatchJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202508:00 - 08:50 A.M.MWF
21715Cost/Mgmt. AccountingACCT3213Yu-Ho ChiJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:15 P.M.MW
22125Gov't and Nonprofit AccountingACCT4513Laura HatchJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 11:50 A.M.MWF
22144Accounting Information SystemsACCT4613Bethany ElamJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 12:15 P.M.TR
21124Internatl Agri TradeAGEC3353Joseph MehlhornJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 03:45 P.M.T
21793Intro to App & Agri EconomicsAGEC2203Joseph MehlhornJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202508:00 - 09:15 A.M.TR
21794Spreadsheet Analysis AgribusAGEC3113Daniel MorrisJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 01:50 P.M.MWF
21795Livestock EconomicsAGEC3803Daniel MorrisJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:00 - 09:50 A.M.MWF
21796Adv Farm & Ranch ManagementAGEC3713Daniel MorrisJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:00 - 10:50 A.M.MWF
21799Intro Agricultural BusinessAGEC1103Walter BattleJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
22009Intro Agricultural SalesAGEC2503Ricky MatheniaJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
22183Agri & Natural Resource PolicyAGEC3253Walter BattleJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
20574History American AgricultureAGRI2403Emily KeetonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.T
20578Career Planning in AgricultureAGRI3903Emily KeetonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
20593Dynamics & Develop LeadershipAGRI4503Emily KeetonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
22084Career Planning in AgricultureAGRI3903Laquita ClarkJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
20485Intro Animal ScienceANSC1103Stephanie JonesJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 11:50 A.M.MWF
20861Animal GeneticsANSC3603Todd WintersJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:15 P.M.TR
22258The History of ArtARTH2103Nicholas D'AcquistoJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
21732Business CommunicationBCOM3513William BishopJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202508:00 - 09:15 A.M.TR
20129Found Biol: Ecol Evol DiverBIOL1304Jennifer GreenwoodJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202508:00 - 08:50 A.M.MWF
20320Biology LabBIOL130L Dalana HessingJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:50 P.M.M
21745Business Law IBLAW3013Matthew WestJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
20321Intro to Criminal JusticeCJ2003Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202508:15 - 09:30 A.M.MW
20322Criminal InvestigationCJ3103Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 12:15 P.M.MW
20330CriminologyCJ3253Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:00 - 10:15 A.M.TR
20331Serial KillersCJ3303John TankersleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
20332Snr Seminar:Crim JusticeCJ4603Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 03:00 P.M.R
20656SpTp: Family ViolenceCJ4113Mark DavidsonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
22064Criminal EvidenceCJ4203Shana JohnsonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.W
22170Child AbuseCJ3603Danielle JonesJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
22220Law Enforcement AdministrationCJ4053Barry MichaelJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
22418ApprenticeshipCJ3213Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
22419Apprenticeship IICJ3223Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
22420Apprenticeship IIICJ4213Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
22421Apprenticeship IVCJ4223Michael GurleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
21733Principles of MicroeconomicsECON2023Samuel FaughtJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
20158CompositionENGL1123April Elam-DierksJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:30 - 11:45 A.M.MW
20849American Literary TraditionsENGL2613April Elam-DierksJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:00 - 10:15 A.M.MW
21546History of English LangENGL4203Daniel PiggJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:00 - 10:50 A.M.MWF
20669Regional: NA Eur & RussGEOG1513Thomas DePriestJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 12:15 P.M.TR
20134Earth Materials and ProcessesGEOS1204Joshua RatliffJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:55 P.M.M
20135Earth Materials&Processes LabGEOS120L Joshua RatliffJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:50 P.M.W
20126Hist Of U SHIST2023Timothy SmithJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:00 - 10:15 A.M.MW
20127History of MexicoHIST4423Timothy SmithJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:30 - 11:45 A.M.MW
20667Hist Of U SHIST2023Thomas MeadorJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
22306Sr Sem: Hist Research & WritHIST4993Timothy SmithJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
21293Educ PsychHLRN3253Jennifer DickersonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:45 P.M.R
20598Public Relations Tchrs CoachesHPED4123Shelby BowmanJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
20132Senior SeminarIDST4903April Elam-DierksJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202512:00 - 12:55 P.M.W
21710Mgt Inform SystemINFS3103Denise WilliamsJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:00 - 10:50 A.M.MWF
21791Intro Productivity ApplicationINFS2053Olivia FernandezJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:15 P.M.MW
20159Children's LiteratureLIBS4513Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202512:00 - 02:45 P.M.W
20130Essentials of Algebra IIMATH1104Denise BrownJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
20131Mathematics LabMATH110L Denise BrownJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.T
20136Principles of MathMATH1923Bobby IsbellJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:30 - 05:45 P.M.T
20594Management and BehaviorMGT3003Sandra SharpJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:45 P.M.R
20595Process Control & ImprovementMGT3303Sandra SharpJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
21713Business PolicyMGT4903Brandon KilburnJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 02:15 P.M.MW
21731Human Resource MgtMGT3503Monty TaylorJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202502:30 - 03:45 P.M.TR
21711Principles of MarketingMKTG3013Julie AlexanderJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202511:00 - 11:50 A.M.MWF
20677Public SpeakingMMSC2303Paul WalkerJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
20128Intro NutritionNUTR1003Amy ElizerJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
20137Martial Arts IIPACT1202Thomas CauleyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
20138Aerobic Walk/JoggingPACT1222Mellanie SurrattJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 04:30 P.M.W
20657Intergovernmental RelPOSC3143Nicholas KistenmacherJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
20658Amer Political Instit & PolicyPOSC2203Gregory MonroeJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.M
20597Developmental PsychPSYC3133Scott MaxwellJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
20891Psych, Forensics, & the LawPSYC3713Lisa KentJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.R
21523Introduction to PsychologyPSYC1013Natasha VarnickJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:10 - 10:25 A.M.MW
21526Learning & CognitionPSYC3204Natasha VarnickJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 03:30 P.M.T
21529Psychology LabPSYC320L Natasha VarnickJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 02:25 P.M.R
21530Senior SeminarPSYC4803Natasha VarnickJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 02:15 P.M.MW
21788Industrial & Organiz PsychPSYC3403Brian JohnsonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202502:00 - 04:45 P.M.T
22378Abnormal PsychPSYC3503Scott MaxwellJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.T
20161Literacy II: Fndn Skills LitREAD4424Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:10 - 05:55 P.M.R
21789Social ProblemsSOC2023Justin MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202501:00 - 02:15 P.M.TR
21790Data AnalysisSOC3193Justin MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
20888Elem SpanishSPAN1223John WoodJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:30 - 05:45 P.M.TR
20889Span Spk Wrld Today: Pep & CulSPAN2503John WoodJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 04:15 P.M.TR
20165Children with ExceptionalitiesSPED3003Jennifer DickersonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202504:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
21128Intro Soc Work & Soc WelfareSWRK2003Shelby EastJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
21132Social Work in Child WelfareSWRK3253Shunda McCoyJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202506:00 - 08:45 P.M.T
21135Human Behav & Social Envr IISWRK3303Shelby EastJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202512:00 - 02:45 P.M.M
21138Social Work in School SettingSWRK3753Shelby EastJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:45 P.M.M
21142Social Work Practice ISWRK3403Alicia Maya DonaldsonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202512:00 - 02:45 P.M.W
21153SWRK Practice Skills & TechnolSWRK3503Alicia Maya DonaldsonJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:00 - 05:45 P.M.W
21159Social Work Field InstructionSWRK49012Stephanie AllenJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
20160Elem Methds II: Tch Sci & SocTCED3523Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202503:10 - 05:55 P.M.W
20162Residency II SeminarTCED4013Melissa AkinsJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
20163Student Teaching K-5 PlacementTCED4025Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
20164Student Teaching K-5 Place IITCED4034Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
21298Diagnosis & EvaluationTCED3033Mary GilesJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 2025 -  
21302Elem Methods I: Teaching MathTCED3423Abbie McClureJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202510:00 - 11:15 A.M.W
22403Intro To TeachingTCED2113Rachael MartinJan 9, 2025Apr 25, 202509:00 - 11:45 A.M.F